Events 2007
Genome Scanning Technology Shaping Medicine and Society in Diagnostics
The Centre for Applied Genomics will be hosting a one-day symposium "Genome Scanning Technology Shaping Medicine and Society in Diagnostics" on Wednesday July 18, 2007 at the MaRS Conference Centre (Main Auditorium), 101 College St., Toronto, Ontario.
This symposium will outline how new genome scanning technologies are helping to uncover the fine differences in our genomes. These genome maps will be critical for studies attempting to identify genes involved in both rare and common diseases. Guest speakers will discuss the applications of new DNA technologies to assessing variation in the human genome, clinical diagnostics, and genealogical investigations. There will also be a panel discussion surrounding the issues and implications of these technologies with respect to individualized genomics and medicine.
In a lunchtime workshop session, databases with both genetic and clinical data will be highlighted, and tutorials on how to use two of these databases (Database of Genomic Variants and DECIPHER) for disease research will be presented.
Who should attend: researchers interested in genetic and genomic variation, clinician scientists seeking an introduction to genomic approaches, graduate students and trainees. The general public is welcome, but it should be noted that much of the information presented will be somewhat technical in nature.
If you are interested in attending please RSVP to Dennis McCormac (
Thanks and we hope to see you on Jul 18th.
Agenda (Acrobat 85 KB)