TCAG Research and Project Support
The Centre for Applied Genomics provides project support to hundreds of investigators involved in local, nation-wide and international research initiatives. This support includes laboratory experimentation, statistical analysis, and comprehensive bioinformatics support, including large-scale genome comparisons, algorithm and tools development, and database curation, annotation and hosting. For a list of databases hosted by TCAG, please see the TCAG Databases page. Computational support is provided by the Centre for Computational Medicine.
Major funding for The Centre for Applied Genomics is provided by the Government of Canada through Genome Canada and the Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI-033).
Specific Conditions
TCAG supports research into a wide variety of genetic conditions. Information, study consent forms and other materials can be found here. Study participants are contacted directly by study investigators, who will help to explain which of these forms are relevant to each individual participant.
Genetics and Genomics of Autism
Resources on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Where indicated, the following files are available in Acrobat format.
- Genetics of ASD counselling aid (Acrobat file 535 KB)
- Genetics of ASD counselling aid Flipbook layout for printing (Acrobat file 510 KB)
- Genetics of ASD Video (no audio) (mp4)
Selected other supported initiatives
Where indicated, the following files are available in Acrobat format.
- The Chromosome 7 Annotation Project
- Centre for Modeling Human Disease
- Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
- The Ontario Population Genomics Platform
The Ontario Population Genomics Platform (OPGP) was conceived as an opportunity to establish a collection of fully consented, Ontario-based population control DNA samples and corresponding immortalized cell lines, as a resource for researchers in Ontario and elsewhere.
Blood-dervied DNA from 873 samples was genotyped using the Affymetrix CytoScanHD array and analyzed for copy number variation (CNV). A primary set of 71,178 calls were made by ChAS (Chromosome Analysis Suite) using minimum size and probe cutoffs of 1kb and 8 markers respectively. Additionally we generated CNV calls using IPN (iPattern), NXS (Nexus) and PTK (Partek) that we used to annotate our primary dataset.
Three groups of variants were generated depending on the following criteria.
- The AFFY_FILTER set of variants represent those defined by Affymetrix as clinically relevant variants. These are losses which are a minimum of 25kb in size and contain a minimum of 25 probes and gains which are a minimum of 50kb and contain a minimum of 50 probes.
- The MULTI_ALGO set of variants represent those which have been identified using the ChAS algorithm and at least one (1) additional algorithm to call the variant (min 1kb, 8 probes).
- The ONLY_CHAS set of variants represent those which have been identified by the ChAS algorithm only (min 1kb, 8 probes).
Download OPGP dataset (28 MG .txt file)
RLCRs.txt (38 MG .zip file)
RLCRs_no_Repeat_Masker.txt (80 Kb .zip file)