Events 2011
SAVANT - a visual analytics platform for genomic data (webinar)
The Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI) and The Centre for Applied Genomics (TCAG) are hosting a 1 hour web conference/webinar about Savant - a visual analytics platform for genomic data. Savant improves upon existing genome browsers in interface design and data presentation. Most importantly, Savant is unique in its ability to perform complex analytics on the visualized data in real-time, complements of a rich plugin framework.
The webinar will cover:
Basics of the interface:
- Loading tracks
- Navigation
- Bookmarking
- Table View
- Data Selection
Visualizing Next generation sequencing data:
- Visualizing read alignments
- Identifying point and structural mutations by eye (SNPs, indels, CNVs)
- Assessing the quality of variant predictions
Plug-in framework:
- Browsing and installing plug-ins
- Opening UCSC tracks directly
- Identifying SNPs automatically using realtime SNP Finder
The presentation will be led by Marc Fiume, the chief developer of Savant. The webinar will be appropriate for all levels from graduate student to principal investigator interested in learning to use a visual analytical tool to view genomic data.
We require all attendees to register so please click the following link: Register for webinar on Thursday, May 19, 2 p.m. EST.
Please be sure to provide your name, title, institution and valid email address so that we can send you an email with webinar details and instructions.
Feel free to pass this invitation along to colleagues who may benefit from learning about this valuable, freely available tool. Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.