Events 2012
TCAG Informatics Services and Support Webinar
Time: Friday, March 30 at noon
The Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI) and The Centre for Applied Genomics (TCAG; are hosting a 1 hour webinar about informatics and pathway analysis services they provide to clients. If you are not familiar with TCAG, it is the Genome Canada (GC) funded Science and Technology Innovation Centre (STIC) for Ontario.
The webinar will be appropriate for all levels from graduate student to principal investigator, and can benefit both new and experienced researchers in the areas of genetics and genomic biology. The presentation will be led by Dr. Daniele Mericio, Informatics Facility Manager at TCAG.
The webinar will include an overview of TCAG services and and bionformatics support for:
- short read alignment to reference genomes
- de-novo genome assembly
- RNA-seq: de-novo transcriptome assembly
- RNA-seq: transcript isoform reconstruction and differential analysis
- bisulphite-seq, ChIP-seq
- exome sequencing and variant detection
- whole sequencing and variant detection: soon available (for now we only offer service through Complete Genomics)
- pathway analysis for microarray and RNA-seq data
We require all attendees to register so please click the following link:
Register for webinar on Friday March 30, noon EST