Events 2018
Toronto Bioinformatics User Group
Join us for a Hallowe'en TorBUG event!
On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 in the Red Room (CCBR, 160 College St, Toronto), the Toronto's Bioinformatics User Group (TorBUG) will be hosting our next guest speaker: Chia-Lin Wei, Director of Genome Technologies, The Jackson Laboratory.
- 4 to 4:15 p.m. - Trainee Speaker: Paul Krzyzanowski, OICR (CCBR Red Room) will speak on "UMIS: Unique molecular identifiers and how they are applied to genomics today."
- 4:15 to 5 p.m. - Guest Speaker: CHIA-Lin Wei, Director of Genome Technologies, The Jackson Laboratory (CCBR, Red Room) will speak on "Exploring genome structures and chromatin organization by long-read sequensing."
- 5 to 7 p.m. Reception
Come be a part of TorBUG. Meet new colleagues, discuss current hot topics over pizza and refreshments, enjoy and partake in your community's bioinformatics network!
NOTE: The link to Google calendar of events has changed:
Visit for more information or to volunteer!
The TorBUG team:
- Armande Ang Houle, Awadalle Lab, OICR
- Michelle Brazas, OICR
- Albi Celaj, Roth Lab, U of Toronto
- Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, UHN & Dept. Medical Biophysics, U of Toronto
- Michael Liang, Wilson Lab, SickKids
- Ann Meyer, OICR
- Dennis McCormac, TCAG/OGI
- Nicholas Provart, Cell and Systems Biology, U of Toronto
- Aleksei Shkurin, Hughes Lab, U of Toronto
- Taraneh Zarin, Moses Lab, U of Toronto