C++ Genetic Association Testing Toolkit - vikNGS
The Variant Integration Kit for Next Generation Sequencing (vikNGS) is a C++ software package designed to parse multi-sample VCF files and to perform association tests. In addition to testing with standard genotype calls, vikNGS also provides an implementation of the robust variant score test (vRVS) that enables the use of public low read depth data in combination with an independent high read depth dataset. Since vRVS uses expected genotypes instead of genotype calls, the issue of inflated Type I error characteristic of this experimental design is avoided.
The source code and package can be found at https://github.com/ScottMastro/vikNGS .
Documentation can be found at https://vikngsdocs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Contact Us
Scott Mastromatteo
Zeynep Baskurt
Jiafen Gong
Lisa Strug