Statistical Analysis
Selected methodology publications by Statistical Facility staff
- RNA-Seq analysis of parietal cortex in Alzheimer's disease reveals alternatively spliced isoforms related to lipid metabolism. JD Mills, T Nalpathamkalam, HIL Jacobs, C Janitz, D Merico, P Hu, M Janitz Neuroscience Letters
- Metaphyseal dysplasia with maxillary hypoplasia and brachydactyly is caused by a duplication in RUNX2. P Moffatt, M Ben-Amor, FH Glorieux, P Roschger, K Klaushofer, JA Schwartzentruber, AD Paterson, P Hu, C Marshall, FORGE Canada Consortium, S Fahiminiya, J Majewski, CL Beaulieu, KM Boycott, F Rauch.
American Journal of Human Genetics doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2012.12.001
- Microarray meta-analysis identifies acute lung injury biomarkers in donor lungs that predict development of primary graft failure in recipients. P Hu*, X Wang*, JJ Haitsma, S Furmli, H Masoom, M Liu, AS Slutsky, J Beyene, CM Greenwood, CC dos Santos.
Plos One 7, e45506, 2012
- SNVerGUI: A desktop tool for variant analysis of next-generation sequencing data. W Wang, W Hu, F Hou, P Hu, Z Wei.
Journal of Medical Genetics. 0:1-3. doi:10.1136/jmedgenet-2012-101001.
- Dynamic pathway analysis of genes associated with blood pressure using whole genome sequence data. P Hu, AD Paterson.
Proceedings of Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW18), Stevenson, WA, USA. October 2012.
- Association analysis with sequence data using publicly available controls. NM Roslin, A Derkach, LJ Strug.
Proceedings of Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW18), Stevenson, WA, USA. October 2012.
- Gene network modular-based classification of microarray samples. P Hu, S Bull, H Jiang.
BMC Bioinformatics13 (Suppl 10), S17, 2012.
- Predicting protein functions by relaxation labeling protein interaction network. P Hu, H Jiang, A Emili.
BMC Bioinformatics 11(Suppl), S64, 2010.
- Pathway-based joint effects analysis of rare genetic variants using Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 exon sequence data. P Hu, W Xu, L Chen, X Xing, AD Paterson
(2011) BMC Proceedings 5(Suppl 9), S45, 2011.
- SNVer: a statistical tool for variant calling in analysis of pooling or individual next-generation sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Research, oi:10.1093/nar/gkr599, Z Wei, W Wang, P Hu, GJ Lyon, H Hakonarson
First published online: August 3, 2011.
- Serum Diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Using Array-based Proteomics. Methods of Microarray Data Analysis VI, edited by McConnell, P, Lim, S., and A.J. Cuticchia. P Hu, W Le, S Lim, B Xing, CMT Greenwood, J Beyene
Scotts Valley, California: Create Space Publishing, 2009
- Pathway-based analysis of a genome-wide case-control association study of rheumatoid arthritis.
J Beyene, P Hu, JS Hamid, E Parkhomenko, AD Paterson, D Tritchler.
BMC Proc.2009,Suppl 7:S128.
- Scoring of ChIP-seq experiments by modeling large-scale correlated tests. Pingzhao Hu, Zhi Wei, Zhouzhi Wang, Andrew D Paterson, Joseph Beyene, Steve W Scherer
Proceedings of Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA), October, 2009, Chicago, USA.
- Using the ratio of means as the effect size measure in combining results of microarray experiments. Pingzhao Hu, Celia MT Greenwood and Joseph Beyene
BMC Systems Biology 2009, 3:106
- A flexible approximate likelihood ratio test for detecting differential expression in microarray data. Ahmed Hossain, Joseph Beyene, Andrew R. Willana, and Pingzhao Hu
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 2009, 53:3685-3695.
- Chromosomal clustering of periodically expressed genes in plasmodium falciparum. Methods of Microarray Data Analysis V, edited by P McConell, SM Lin and P Hurban.
P Hu, CMT Greenwood, CE M'lan, J Beyene
Springer-Verlag Press, 2007
- Identifying cis- and trans-acting single-nucleotide polymorphisms controlling lymphocyte gene expression in humans.
Pingzhao Hu, Hui Lan, Wei Xu, Joseph Beyene, Celia MT Greenwood
BMC Proc. 2007; 1 Suppl 1:S7.
- Integrative analysis of gene expression data including an assessment of pathway enrichment for predicting prostate cancer.
Pingzhao Hu, Celia MT Greenwood and Joseph Beyene
Cancer Informatics. 2007; 2:289-300.
- Optimal selection of markers for validation or replication from genome-wide association studies.
Greenwood CM, Rangrej J, Sun L.
Genet Epidemiol. 2007;31:396-407.
- A hierarchical clustering method for estimating copy number variation.
Xing B, Greenwood CM, Bull SB.
Biostatistics. 2007;8:632-53.
- Tests for differential gene expression using weights in oligonucleotide microarray experiments.
Pingzhao Hu, Joseph Beyene and Celia MT Greenwood
BMC Genomics. 2006; 7:33.
- Statistical methods for meta-analysis of microarray data: a comparative study.
Pingzhao Hu, Celia MT Greenwood and Joseph Beyene
Information Systems Frontiers 2006; 8:9-20.
- Integrative analysis of multiple gene expression profiles with quality-adjusted effect size models.
Pingzhao Hu, Celia MT Greenwood and Joseph Beyene
BMC Bioinformatics. 2005; 6:128.