Ontario Population Genomics Platform
TCAG Facilities
- Biobanking
- Cytogenomics and Genome Resources
- DNA Sequencing/Synthesis
- Genetic Analysis
- Informatics
- Microarray Analysis
- Statistical Analysis
To provide a foundation for genomic epidemiology and disease gene studies, TCAG has developed the Ontario Population Genomics Platform (OPGP). This resource consists of a total of approximately 2,600 population control DNA samples, prepared from permanently stored lymphoblastoid cell lines.
These individuals are randomly selected from a predominantly Ontario-based control cohort, collected with our collaborators Drs. John McLaughlin, Irene Andrulis, Steven Gallinger, and others. They have been re-consented for anonymized use as controls in genetic studies in general. Demographic data, such as age at collection, gender, birthplace, self-reported ethnicity and race, and where available parental and grandparental geographic origin, are also available. Approximately 95% of these samples are from Caucasians of European origin.
The samples are available at a charge of $650 per plate of 96 samples, containing 2 micrograms of DNA per sample, and are prepared in a CLIA/CAP/OLA certified laboratory. All samples ship at a concentration of 100 ng/microlitre, heat-sealed in 96-well microtitre plates, with a product data sheet.
For further information, please contact the TCAG Facility Manager, Jo-Anne Herbrick, jherbrick@sickkids.ca.