News 2011
FORGE Canada call for proposals
The deadline for the second round of proposals has been moved to Friday, June 24th at 5 p.m. EST. Proposals received after that deadline will not be reviewed until the 3rd quarter (fall 2011). Please ensure that you follow the guidelines for submissions. When submitting a proposal, if you have not yet completed a membership form, please submit a completed form with the proposal. The proposal and membership forms can be found on the website (
Also as a reminder, team and project leads that already have projects approved by FORGE Canada must return a signed code of conduct. This can either be returned by fax, email, or mail. Projects will not enter the pipeline of analysis without the completed form returned.
All proposals should be sent to An email will be sent to confirm receipt of the proposal.
If you have any questions, you can contact Janet Marcadier, Clinical Coordinator at 613-737-7600 ext. 3428.